Setbacks vs. Sovereignty

Even after knowing what you think is all there is to know about God, sometimes He just surprises you (again).

Earlier, I was headed off to pay my respects to a family who is dear to me and who lost someone early on in the week. (May you rest in peace, 'lo.) Before I actually got out of the house, I had a strange urge to pick up one of my few Gospel tracts. I thought God was moving me to prepare to share the Gospel with anyone in the family who'd be willing to listen. Though I was anxious about it for fear of rejection, I was willing to take on the challenge because I just wanted to share the truth, especially to people who matter to me.

So there I was, pawing through a slightly beat-up Gospel tract, rehearsing how I would present the contents. Soon enough, I found myself getting reacquainted with, being refreshed of the timeless and powerfully freeing message of God's Word:

God loves us so much that He came down to earth, confined within the limits of human anatomy, to pay for the price of all sin.

God, with all His power, could have wiped the slate clean and started over with a new generation of people - maybe ensuring that the whole thing with the snake and the fruit and the temptation doesn't happen again. But no. God loves His children; and because of that love, He didn't send another flood to kill off the people of that time. Instead, He sent Jesus to bridge the gap that sin created.

When I did finally get to the room, I hadn't been able to stay there for longer than thirty minutes. Which also meant that I didn't have that opportunity to hand out Gospel tracts and share the truth. And that's okay! (I mean, I suppose it wasn't exactly the best time to do anything other than just be there for the family and pray for them and the departed loved one.)

Sometimes God allows certain plans to be carted off - certain setbacks and disappointments. Then we find ourselves asking, "Where are You in all of this, God? Are You really in control?" But we already know the answers to those questions.

God is in the midst of everything, and He is always in control.

These "setbacks" really are just God's way of grabbing our attention, pointing it to whatever needs to be attended to, and realigning us with His will.

While I didn't get to minister to anyone today, I did get to be reminded of why I should press on though I know there will be valleys and deserts up ahead. More importantly, I got to be reminded of Who I'm running this race for. Everything else, He'll get me through and lead me to by His ways and in His time.

Keep running the race through and for Jesus, you beautiful souls!

Stay golden and God bless you!