My heart longed
For a love rarely seen or read about
For a love to quench the yearning
For a love to fill the empty spaces
My heart thought
Said love was to be gained in "him"
Whoever he was supposed to be
In his words, hugs, kisses, and sighs
Still, You were there
Faithful, patient, and ever loving
Silent but ever present
My heart sprang
With hope unlike before
When I was reintroduced to You
Then I said yes, though wary and doubtful
My heart leapt
When You gave me him
The "him" of my dreams come day and night
Who gave me those words, hugs, kisses, and sighs
Even then, You knew where this would lead
Still, You allowed it all with a knowing smile
My heart felt
A rollercoaster of emotions
A simultaneous breaking and filling
In his words, hugs, kisses, and sighs
My heart flew
To places unheard of
Where colors, known and not, danced
When he and I held hands
But my flighty heart flew too far
Away from You and resting in him
Prizing the gift above the Giver
Constantly refusing You to be with him
You gave us more than a year
(Wonderful, tragically beautiful as it was)
Then You dropped both the veil and the hedge
Allowing the thief to come in, wreaking havoc
As I looked on, seeing my world - my life with him - crumble
My heart labored
As I trudged on those few days
Those few days of torment and reflection
My eyes filled with tears, my vision grays
You, with Your love and wisdom
Gently prodded, affectionately nudged
As if to say, "Do I have your heart now, my dear?"
It was then when I knew what I had to do
My choice hurt him
My choice hurt me
But I knew that it was necessary
Still, You gave us that one final day
One final day with just me, just him
And our tenderest words, hugs, kisses, and sighs
My heart fell, broke, and lay shattered
My heart remains the same
It mourns over broken dreams
Over pictures yet to be taken and memories yet to be made
Still, You are there
You weep with me
You weep with him
You weep for us
You are careful with our broken pieces
You offer silence in our grief
Even when we think we need Your answers
Yet we choose to stay away
To stay in the dark, where we think You can't reach us
To believe that You don't care
To believe that there is no hope in You
So now, my heart hurts
My heart hurts
Over the past that means more than the future with You
My heart hurts
Over old messages that aren't joined with new
My heart hurts
Over movie theaters I no longer want to go to
Still, You are there
With the same faithfulness, patience, and love
From before the words, hugs, kisses, and sighs
But where my heart should hurt
My heart remains still
Despite knowing how much
My heart hurts You
Why do You want it still?