How Easy . . .

How easy it is to believe the lie that following and loving God is an unnecessary burden, or even a burden at all, when things are falling apart

How easy it is to believe the lie that all this suffering is pointless and is the execution of a vendetta against you by a vengeful God

How easy it is to forget all the times God has proven to be faithful in present pain

How easy it is to forget that following God won't guarantee an easy or easier life

How easy it is to forget that obeying Him, though it may cost you something you value, is for your good

How easy . . .

How is this easy?

It is not.

It is difficult and won't be any less so.

It is impossible.

So why press on?

There is comfort in at least two things: God makes the impossible possible (Matt. 19:26); and He does not lie (John 14:6).